I took Austin to the Dr Tuesday for his 2 year check up. We were only confirmed of what we already know...we have a BIG boy!!
His stats were:
Weight: 31.4 lbs ---> 90%
Height: 36 1/4 in. ---> 90%
Head: 49 cm --->70%
He is talking like crazy in sentences. Clearly tells you what he does and does not want, throws full out tantrums, has become even more attached to his paci and "dog dog", not too picky of an eater, usually follows in what Parker does or doesn't, still loves his momma and wants me to hold him all the time, loves Elmo, Big Bird and Grover, has moved past single pieces puzzles and is working 24 piece jigsaw puzzles, loves playing with cars and blocks...Just an in site into the things he is doing and into right now.
He wears a size 3t to 4t in clothes and size 7.5-8 shoe. I no longer have a bin of clothes that Parker outgrows and Austin can't wear yet. They go from one closet to the next!!
Although about a month ago we were potty trained, since his Birthday he has regressed. Taking the time to go to the bathroom just takes too much time...Geez MOM!! The joys of having a 2 year old are back!!
Maddy’s photoshoot
2 months ago
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