Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Food For Thought

So, I was thinking today. I was thinking about how the baby is starting to hear voices. Do you think the baby knows ahead of time if he/she is going to have siblings? Just think...the baby would be able to hear those voices along with the mommy and daddy's. Does the baby even distinguish between the different voices?? It's all such an interesting phenomenon. I know that Todd really enjoys talking to the baby!


  1. Good Morning,
    I've always been told that the baby hears noise, voices, etc. I really belive that the baby knows the mother's voice and if the father talks to him/her that they know that voice also. I'm sure if there is an older sibling in the house that talks to him/her all the time they know that voice also. It sure makes sense. When you are out and a horn blows, don't be surprised if the baby moves. Oh well that is what I think and you asked so that is my answer.
    Love you
    Your mom-in-law

  2. Awe! That is too cute! I would play lots of classical music. :)

    Jennifer J

  3. Absolutely!! They do hear and become familiar with your voice. This is the perfect time to start reading to the baby - read books or even make a bedtime routine of just telling stories while you are rubbing your belly - they like it :)
    - Ravi
