Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fun and Relaxing Weekend!

This weekend has been a lot of fun. Although we really haven't done much, Todd was off Saturday and Sunday! Saturday we went and bought the baby stroller because they were discontinuing the color we wanted and then went to my parents. The baby got to sit by the out door fire place with us and watch my nieces roast marshmallows!

Today Todd felt the baby kick for the first time! It was very exciting for the both of us. I think it was the orange juice! We just put the stroller together. I think it took a total of 10 minutes to assemble. Easy Breezy!

Here is a picture of Todd with the stroller...I must let you know that the mohawk is temporary! He had to shave it because they raised more money than last year at the OTB in Burleson for Susan G. Komen. He has to wear it pink tomorrow to work! He definitely has to wear a hat when we are together in public! Hope you enjoy the picture!

1 comment:

  1. What kind of stroller is that? Looks pretty hard one of those 'Bugaboo' kind. Congrats on your 'baby collection' starting, so exciting! Also, to Todd for getting to feel the baby kicking around. :)
