Wednesday, June 2nd Parker, Todd and I got all packed up in my car and headed to Galveston around 9:15pm. Parker was fast asleep for our 5 hour trip. It was a rough time for Parker after we arrived. He wouldn't go back to sleep because we were in new surroundings and was scared. Finally around 5am he fell asleep sitting up on the couch and away he went to his bed.
Day 1: Woke up late after going to bed at 5am! We choose to go into Freeport rather than Galveston to find lunch and the grocery store. Big mistake! there is nothing in Freeport and it is forever away. We finally found food and a grocery store after driving an hour. After getting back to our house we headed down to the beach since my parents had not arrived yet. Parker was unsure of what to think about the beach and water but quickly warmed up and was playing like a mad man. Running in and out of the water, splashing and playing. It was finally nap time and we all crashed in anticipation for my parents arrival and the Maverick game that night!
Days 2-4: Consisted of time on the beach playing, naps, good food, watching the Mavericks and playing cards. Very relaxing and fun days! Saturday June 4th was my parents Anniversary so we went and ate dinner at Gaido's in Galveston. It was very good but Parker got very antsy as he always does when we go out to eat these days. 

Day 5: Was a very hot and humid day with no wind. We went down to The Strand, ate lunch and went to a few stores. We took this day off from the beach.
Day 6 and 7: More beach, naps and food! Not to mention a trip to CVS to pick up my prescription the Dr called in because I am pretty sure I had strep throat. We also ate dinner at The Spot which turned out to be really good!
Day 8: Our vacation was over and we were heading home. So sad to go home but ready for my our house, bed, etc... The ride home wasn't as peaceful as the ride there but thanks to my sisters portable DVD player on the head rest with Yo Gabba Gabba in it, Parker survived the trip and didn't fuss too much.
It was such a wonderful trip. There are many memorable moments from the trip Todd and I got to share with Parker. He is such a bundle of fun. He may have gotten tired of the beach by the end of the trip but he had so much fun playing in the water, picking up seashells, pointing and chasing birds ("s" as he would say), looking for fish ("sh sh" as he would say), destroying sand castles, building sand castles and digging holes in the sand with daddy. He had no fear and would run straight out into the water but thankfully stop about the time it got up to his knees.
Parker also started saying a few words on the trip...bath, night night, "c c"= Macy, and "s s"= Moose. He loved playing with my parents dog Macy although I don't think she liked it too much! We look forward to going back next year with both babies!!
Day 1: Woke up late after going to bed at 5am! We choose to go into Freeport rather than Galveston to find lunch and the grocery store. Big mistake! there is nothing in Freeport and it is forever away. We finally found food and a grocery store after driving an hour. After getting back to our house we headed down to the beach since my parents had not arrived yet. Parker was unsure of what to think about the beach and water but quickly warmed up and was playing like a mad man. Running in and out of the water, splashing and playing. It was finally nap time and we all crashed in anticipation for my parents arrival and the Maverick game that night!

Day 8: Our vacation was over and we were heading home. So sad to go home but ready for my our house, bed, etc... The ride home wasn't as peaceful as the ride there but thanks to my sisters portable DVD player on the head rest with Yo Gabba Gabba in it, Parker survived the trip and didn't fuss too much.

Parker also started saying a few words on the trip...bath, night night, "c c"= Macy, and "s s"= Moose. He loved playing with my parents dog Macy although I don't think she liked it too much! We look forward to going back next year with both babies!!
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