Monday was Parker's first day of school at McKinney Memorial Bible Church's ELC here in Fort Worth. I was very anxious and nervous that morning before taking him. Not only did I have to get myself ready but him too and out the door. It went very well and we even arrived early. He was clueless as to what was going on and very anxious when we got there. Once i got him signed in and pointed in the right direction off we went to his class. I chose to let him walk and hold his hand rather than carry him to see if the transition would go OK but once we got to the door he grabbed my legs and began screaming. I knew I couldn't linger or it would make things worse so off I went down the hall feeling like a guilty mother who had just left their child with a screaming stranger. I called and checked on him about 11:30 and he was doing fine. They had just left the indoor playground and were headed back to the class for lunch and nap. I was very anxious to pick him up that afternoon. He was very excited to see me which is the BEST feeling in the world! When we got home, I discovered a piece of paper in his bag which had a brief summary of what they did that day. It stated that they played music with bells and pianos; that he had 2 wet diapers; slept some (1 hr); and ate some. I was very surprised to find out he slept on his nap mat for a full hour! I was so proud of him that I took him to OTB to have some Ice Cream! What a Big Boy!
On day two, Todd has to take and pick up since I was at work. We were a little concerned because he had a low grade fever when he woke but he didn't seem to be feeling bad so we sent him anyways. The drop off went about the same with a lot of screaming and at pick up he was excited to see Todd. His paper stated that they went outside and looked at leaves, he had 2 wet diapers, he ate some and slept some (1 hr). I beat Todd and Parker home but was so excited to see my little muchkin! He was burning up when I got him :o( Running a fever of 101.5 but showing no other signs of sickness. As the evening progressed after calling the Dr about 3pm, I was back on the phone with them at 5pm scheduling a Dr Appt for the next morning. He was becoming excessively fussy and I knew something must be wrong. After a him going down in his own bed about 6:30pm he woke up about 10:45pm and that is where he slept the rest of the mama's arms. Poor baby woke up at 1am with a 102 fever and just wasn't feeling well.
The next morning I took Parker to the Dr where we found out he had a middle ear infection in his left ear. Thank goodness he wasn't contagious (so we thought). My sister came over that afternoon to keep him while I rushed off to a work event. She said he was so tired at 6pm that he was laying in the floor trying to go to sleep so she put him down to sleep. Once again he woke up in the night with a fever so I slept in the upstairs bed with him. Oh it was such a rough night. He did not sleep good and neither did Todd. Todd woke up feeling very nauseated in the night. The next day, Parker and I hung out together and then went down for a 3hr nap at 10am. Upon us waking up, I felt very nauseated my self. Got a phone call shortly after waking up from Todd saying he's coming home from work because he's sick...much to our surprise the next 48 hours at our house was no fun at all. We all had an ugly virus and Parker had an ear infection on top of that. I have never watched so much TV in my life I don't think. There came a point when both Parker and I were no longer able to eat or drink and I was so weak I could barely walk. Thank goodness the doctors nausea meds worked or I would have been in the ER. We all laid around all day Saturday.
This virus was sister, Madeleine and Leslie (co-worker) all got it also. Thank goodness it's over for now at least!
Despite all the sickness, I think Parker did well at school. We shall see home tomorrow goes when Todd drops him off.
Maddy’s photoshoot
2 months ago
For the record, ya'll got US sick!!! Ha ha!!!! =)