Last weekend we had a fun weekend (Friday and Saturday) as a family. Friday we went to the stockshow with Mimi and Papi. It fun to go and see the animals and tractors with the kids. Austin was so excited to see the cows!! I think he could have watched them all day and Parker loved sitting on the tractors. He could have played on the tractors all day...guess we need a cow and a tractor!! LOL! Good thing Nana and Gaga have both!! Post stockshow we enjoyed a fabulous dinner at Joe T's.
Saturday, we had a play date at Trinity park with Miles, Cammie, Nicole and Melvin. It was a beautiful day to enjoy being outside. Rather than going home after, we decided to grab lunch and enjoy more time outside at the zoo!! This was a real risk we took as it was nap time for the boys. They did awesome. Parker was really into the animals, looking at them and seeing what they were doing. Austin enjoyed relaxing in the stroller and finally crashed when we were walking out!
I love times that we get to spend together as a family enjoying life and taking in the love of our two sweet boys. We are truly blessed.
Maddy’s photoshoot
1 month ago