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Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day Weekend and more...


We had a busy weekend but a very good one! Our friends Merri and Kevin got married Saturday night and Sunday we hung out by the pool. Although I had the day off today, I am not ready for the work week to begin. I wish time would stand still and we could have some much needed relaxation as a plans, no chores...just hang out and chill.
Being lovey on my daddy!!

Parker went to my parents Saturday while we went to the wedding. He did very well and was spoiled rotten by his Mimi and Papi! Mimi started a bad habit and rocked him to sleep which he wanted today when he went down for his nap. I do love the cuddle time with him though! Sunday, the rest of the family came over and we were pleasantly surprised when Ann and her friend showed up. It was really great to see her. Everyone had a blast playing with the P-man!
Hanging on the porch after eating my breakfast. Look, I have my Boomer Sooner shirt on for the first weekend of college football!

Parker started shaking his head "no" about a week ago and does it quite frequently now. He is also cutting his second tooth! It has been very rough on everyone. There have many nights that he wakes up screaming in the night in pain. I think all the pain from the tooth has made him want to be held more and to cuddle more again! I love it! Parker's rocking back and forth has progressed into 'crawls' now! It is very slow but definitely a crawl. Todd and I are not ready at all for this. He is such a busy body...he will be EVERYWHERE! I think I have named too many milestones to be happening at one time. To top it all off, as I was telling Todd that Nancy (Parker's PA) wasn't concerned about him not rolling from back to tummy yet Parker proceeded to do so right in front of us. We both were laughing so hard I think Parker thought we were crazy!
Hanging out in my swing sucking on my toe because my thumb wasn't tasting good at the moment! I also have my duck blanket that I tuck next to my face when I suck my thumb (or toe)!

1 comment:

  1. Love it!!!!!! We look forward to our Parker man postings. Nana loved cuddling with you and looks forward to doing this again. Maybe next time GaGa can have a little cuddle time.
    We love all three of you
    Nana and GaGa
