Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Three Year Check-up

Friday we finally went to Parker's three year check up. Rather than making more than the needed trips this month we combined it with Austin's 18 month check-up. I had been telling him "no shots, no shots" for days leading up to the appointment but when we got there, I was sad to know they had to prick his finger for an iron count. He was not happy with Ms. Lisa at all. The blood work came back excellent. Other than that, Dr. Davidson says I have a healthy boy. He says the potty training issue is just a power struggle and continue doing what we are doing and that if he wants to pee his pants, he will then get treated like a baby because baby's wear diapers. We are on day 3 with out an accident at this time but I'm just letting it go for now with no rewards. I figured it's just a short lived thing but hope its not.

Besides being a healthy boy, he has a virus right now. He woke up at school Thursday screaming. Shortly after I found out he had fever and when we were leaving he began throwing up. Poor kid has had fever off and on since Thursday but hasn't thrown up since Thursday when we got home from school. He has had a rough time with it mostly at night waking up achy. Hopefully it passes soon as we are on Day 3.

Parker's stats from his check-up were the following...

Weight: 33.2 lbs ----> 65%

Height: 37 in. ----> 40%

He's a average little boy!!

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