Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Summer Fun Update

What have these crazy boys been up to lately...a whole lot!! Here's a summary of what is keeping us busy these days!

Finally got the chairs repainted and they are both happily sitting together at their own table in the kitchen.

Parker is hard at work "on the roof" and God is going to come out of the clouds and help him!! This is what he tells me as I ask what is going on!

Allergies act up = breathing treatments

Always busy eating something!

At the movies. This time I took them. We saw a $.50 movie at the movie theater in Hudson Oaks. It was Madagascar 3. We made it till there was 5 min left!!

At the movies with us too!!

Parker was practicing tucking Austin in on his nap mat! He was rubbing his back and giving him kisses goodnight!

Another playdate but this time with Ella, Cadence and Hudson!

He fell asleep sitting up on the couch watching cartoons after our playdate with Ella!

Happy for the moment because he got his Duck back!

HAHA! This was the night Parker was away at Aunt Megan's and Austin was getting lots of attention!!

Loves playing playdoh

Crazy kids while I'm mowing the yard

Our little Sooner just like his daddy

Sweet boy hanging with his momma poolside

Loves books!
Colored his first picture completely. He really focused on coloring the whole thing even if it was with one color!

Trying out momma's pintrest project of chiseling away the ice to get to the toys!
...and eating the ice too!!

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