Yesterday Parker had his 18 month check up and it went very well. He was such a big boy, when the nurse called his name he jumped up and ran right to the nurse following her to the room. He also did great while being measured and weighed.
Weight: 24 lbs 8 oz -->30%
Height: 32.25 in. --> 50%
Head: 47.2 cm --> 30%
He had 2 shots at this visit, a vaccine and a flu shot. He only screamed a little and then was ok with the comfort of his thumb and duck blanket. He won't have to go back again for another check up until he is 2 years old.
Tonight, we went to Parker's school for meet the teacher night. I was very excited about meeting his teacher but hesitant about how Parker would act since he had a very short nap today and it was so close to his bed time. When we got to his classroom he was a bit hesitant at first but warmed up quickly playing with toys and the other kids. I am very excited about this school year and all the fun activities for Parker. I also ran into a girl I went to high school with who's little boy is in Parker's class. I hope they become good buddies. We are looking forward to getting them together for play dates after we both deliver our babies in the next month. Parker starts school September 7th...I am looking forward to seeing Parker show me what a big boy he is.
Maddy’s photoshoot
1 month ago