Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Heavy Heart

I have a heavy heart tonight as Todd and I have made the decision to put Parker in a school 2 days a week. I have been contemplating this for quite a while now and have finally made the decision to more forward and find a school. After much disappointment when I spoke to my top choices and they are full, I am going with another school which I think will work out the best after all. I know God has plan and I trust that it will all work out. I go on a tour of the school tomorrow morning and hope it is everything that I am looking for. Parker will go with me so I will get to see him interacting in the environment. If all goes as planned P will start school Tuesday. Many prayers are welcome during this difficult time as a mother. I know it is one of many but when you have had your baby at home with you for 13 months now, it's a hard to let go.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Check-up for baby #2

All this talk about Mr. P and I almost forgot about the little baby I am carrying! Thursday, I went to the Dr for my 2nd visit. The baby's Heart Rate was 164. I also asked the Dr. about my due date and she said because I ovulated late and the baby is measuring small that my due date is now October 6th! We are going to have a little fall baby! The Dr visits are a month apart right now and pretty basic. Two more months and we will get to see that sweet baby again!

I have continued to be very tired. Last night my evening consisted of sleeping off and on initially falling asleep at 7:30p and waking up to go to work and still being tired. I'd drink coffee but since being preggers I have totally lost the taste for it...bummer!

What am I up to...

Besides playing baseball and the new do, Parker has been a busy boy.

* He is still sleeping through the night (7p-7a) and napping one time a day.
* He is eating lots of new foods...ravioli, chicken spaghetti, corn dogs, white castle hamburgers to just name a few.
* He loves to go outside still and to the park.
* He is trying to talk more and more everyday.
* He is a big helper...he likes to throw his diaper away after changing him and putting clothes in the laundry or washer and dryer.
* He has successfully transitioned from the bottle to a sippy cup to drink his milk!!!! ~a HUGE accomplishment!!!!!

Here are some recent pictures of him...

Drinking from his new sippy cup
Snoozing in the car after a long dayEating my ravioli...
Playing at the park
Being a helper and helping mom reorganize!

My First Hair Cut

Parker got his first hair cut and did very well. We went to Cool Cuts since I know it is kid friendly. The over all experience for him was good except the no a/c and unfriendly hairdresser. There was a little area for him to play while we waited which is a live saver. I think all businesses which may require a wait should have this for children! He got to sit in the red fire engine chair and watch Elmo. I chose to just trim his hair. I kinda like the long look but it was covering his ears and that was bothering me. There was no screaming or crying just a lot of curiosity. He wanted to see everything she had and wanted to hold it too. Below are the pictures in order of event starting with a before and ending with the finished product!

The Little Baseball Player

Parker got a little t-ball set right after his birthday. Todd and I have shown him a few times how to hit the ball off the tee. Yesterday, he placed the ball on the tee, picked up the bat and swung the bat holding one hand. I had to hear all about this special moment over the phone but when I got home he was happy as ever to show me his new skill and I even got it on video!

He gets so excited (and so do we) when he hits the ball!

Friday, March 18, 2011

I'm an outdoors boy!

The weather has been so nice this week! Parker gets to enjoy a ride in the wagon daily and time to play outside. He even got to spend a little time playing with bubbles and in his new water/sand table this afternoon. It is a huge hit already! He has toys outside, inside, upstairs and downstairs....he's not spoiled :o)
Taking a walk in the wagon. Mom makes me wear my hat so my head doesn't burn. It's going to be a long summer with lots of sunscreen trying to keep the sun off that fair skin.
NO Sunburns allowed!
Playing in the bubbles with my friend Ava!
I LOVE my dada!

My new water/sand table. Mom and Dad started out with just water but will add the sand soon. Too much at once might overwhelm me.This spring and summer is going to be so much fun! We are looking forward to our vacation to the beach, time in the pool, playing outside and other summer fun!

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Here we are at the end of week 11, beginning of week 12. I am so tired all the time. Just to get myself and Parker ready to go to Meadow's Birthday Party Saturday, I found my self struggling to stay awake as I was driving. Not to mention my bed time is shortly after I put Parker to bed at 7 and I am most definitely taking naps when he naps and I am still tired. The end of the first trimester is so close and I hope my energy reappears. I had big plans to be active during this pregnancy and not gain so much weight. I'm not starting off very well spending so much time in bed!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

One Year Check Up

Tuesday, I took Parker to see Dr. Hampton for his one year check-up. He says he looks great. He wants me to transition him to the sippy cup for his milk which isn't going very well. I tend to get a very unhappy little boy who throws the cup and spits out the milk. It's going to be a real challenge.

Some of his stats are:

Weight: 21 lbs. 4 oz -----> 25%

Height: 29.5 in. -------> 50%

Size Clothes: 18 mo.

Size Shoe: 4 1/2

Food: Solid food, anything we eat he tends to also like. Some of his favorites this week have been spaghetti, sweet and sour meat balls with rice, sweet potato fries and hamburger.

Favorite Things To Do: Ride in his wagon or trike, play with his baseball bat and play with his instruments