Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, March 25, 2011

What am I up to...

Besides playing baseball and the new do, Parker has been a busy boy.

* He is still sleeping through the night (7p-7a) and napping one time a day.
* He is eating lots of new foods...ravioli, chicken spaghetti, corn dogs, white castle hamburgers to just name a few.
* He loves to go outside still and to the park.
* He is trying to talk more and more everyday.
* He is a big helper...he likes to throw his diaper away after changing him and putting clothes in the laundry or washer and dryer.
* He has successfully transitioned from the bottle to a sippy cup to drink his milk!!!! ~a HUGE accomplishment!!!!!

Here are some recent pictures of him...

Drinking from his new sippy cup
Snoozing in the car after a long dayEating my ravioli...
Playing at the park
Being a helper and helping mom reorganize!

1 comment:

  1. We just want to squeeze you to pieces. You are such a sweet boy and we look forward to seeing you very soon.
    We love you Parker man
    Nana and GaGa
